
Direct detection of dark photon dark matter using radio telescopes


 目:Direct detection of dark photon dark matter using radio telescopes


  间:20221031日(星期一)上午 09:30




葛帅良,目前为北京大学博士后,2021年博士毕业于University of British Columbia。研究兴趣包括轴子、暗光子和原初黑洞等暗物质候选者的模型构建和探测,以及宇宙早期形成的拓扑结构等。

Dark photons can be ultralight dark matter candidate, interacting with the Standard Model particles via kinetic mixing. We propose to search for ultralight dark photon dark matter (DPDM) through the local absorption at different radio telescopes. The local DPDM can induce harmonic oscillations of electrons inside the antenna of radio telescopes. It leads to a monochromatic radio signal and can be recorded by the telescope receivers. Using the observation data from the FAST telescope, the upper limit on the kinetic mixing can already reach 10^{-12} for DPDM oscillation frequencies at 1-1.5 GHz, which is stronger than the cosmic microwave background constraint by about one-order-of-magnitude. Furthermore, large-scale interferometric arrays like the LOFAR and SKA1 telescopes can achieve extraordinary sensitivities for direct DPDM search from 10 MHz to 10 GHz.