

11/12/2012-14/12/2012, 万歆教授 (浙江大学) Discuss quantum Hall effects

18/12/2012-20/12/2012, 黄怀湘教授 (上海大学), 纯净铁基超导体态中超流密度的研究

18/9/2012, 杨丽平 (重庆大学), Graphene on incommensurate substrates: Trigonal warping and merging Dirac cone replicas with halved group velocity

14/6/2013-16/6/2013, 杨昆教授(美国国家强磁场实验室,佛罗里达州立大学物理系), Bulk Thermoelectric and Thermodynamic Probes of non- Abelian Anyons in Topological Systems

22/6/2013-25/6/2013, 叶经武(首都师范大学长江学者,美国密西西比州立大学物理系副教授), Topological Quantum Phase Transition in a Synthetic Non-Abelian Gauge Potential:Theory, Numerical simulations and Experimental detections

03/4/2014-03/8/2014, 陈华(ZheJiang Univ), Paring symmetry and disorder effects in iron pnictides


25/6/2014-27/6/2014, Prof. Tao Liu(西南科技大学), Quantum phase transition in a driven Tavis-Cummings model

27/6/2014-2/7/2014, Prof. Yang Zhao(Division of Materials Science, Nanyang Technological University), Energy transfer dynamics in light-harvesting complexes of purple bacteria

1/7/2014-4/7/2014, Dr.Xue-Feng Zhang(University of Kaiserslautern), Chiral Edge States and Fractional Charge Separation in a System of Interacting Bosons on a Kagome Lattice

25/9/2014, Dr.周蜀渝(Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel), 本古里安大学的原子芯片研究

8/10/2014-18/10/2014, Prof. Xin Wan (ZheJiang Univ) 1. Conformal field theory, Matrix-Product State, and Quantum Hall effect 2. Quantum Hall effect in graphene and silence

2/7/2015-5/7/2015, Prof. Kun Yang(美国国家强磁场实验室,佛罗里达州立大学物理系), Entanglement Entropy Scaling Laws and Eigenstate Thermalization in Many-Particle Systems

14/10/2015, 汪克林教授(中国科学技术大学近代物理系) 量子理论中的连续谱问题及发散消除的新方案

20/10/2015, 张昕(助理研究员)(中科院半导体所超晶格国家重点实验室) Interlayer vibrations in two-dimensional layered materials

12/6/2015, 举办重庆市凝聚态物理2015年学术研讨会,

18/4/2016, 曹则贤研究员,中国科学院物理研究所, 什么是波?

7/4/2016-11/4/2016, 举办“狄拉克粒子颤动”学术研讨会

18/4/2016, 易俗研究员,中科院理论物理研究所, Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates of Chromium Atoms

11/10/2016, 余同普教授, 国防科技大学物理系 Copious GeV electron-positron pairs from lasers-driven near-critical-density plasmas

20/10/2016, 万歆教授,浙江大学, Exotic Phases and Phase Transitions

17/10/2016-23/10/2016, 举办“分数量子霍尔态拓扑性质”研讨会,

5/12/2016, 刘荧教授,上海交通大学, Nanostructured topological superconductors

9/12/2016, 赵永红教授,四川师范大学, 机器学习技术及其在物理和材料研究中的应用

3/1/2017, 范江弟(教授)重庆市科学技术研究院首席科学家,重庆超导科技研发中心主任, 超导机制的危机和出路

10/3/2017, 艾清(北京师范大学物理系,副教授) , 生命体中的量子相干效应

21/4/2017-24/4/2017, 举办“强耦合Rabi模型及应用”小型研讨会,

24/5/2017, 杨波(研究员,Institute of HPC, A*STAR, Singapore) , Microscopic Studies of the Geometric Aspects in Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

21/5/2017-26/5/2017, 杨波(研究员,Institute of HPC, A*STAR, Singapore) , 分数量子霍尔效应几何理论系列讲座

9/6/2017, Prof. Kun Yang(National High Magnetic Field Lab and Physics Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA) , Interplay of Topology and Geometry in Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids