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E-mail: yangxl@cqu.edu.cn





2019.07-2021.07  深圳大学, 高等研究院, 博士后

2017.10-2018.11  美国普渡大学,机械与工程系,联合培养博士

2015.03-2019.06  西安交通大学,材料科学与工程,博士





1.       微纳尺度热输运的数值模拟

2.       基于电子结构的多尺度模拟

3.       电声耦合相关输运理论研究

4.       低维材料,热电材料,光谱(拉曼,光吸收等)模拟

5.       新能源材料性能预测和优化



2013年至今一直从事计算凝聚态物理研究,研究方向涉及微纳尺度热输运、电声耦合、光谱(拉曼,光吸收等)、新能源材料性能预测和优化等;研究方法包括第一性原理计算、分子动力学模拟、机器学习等。迄今在NatureNat. Commun.PRLPRBAdv. Mater.Adv. Funct. Mater.等期刊发表学术论文近60篇,论文引用1700余次,H因子21并担任Physical Review Letters/B/Materials/AppliedNature CommunicationsApplied Physics LettersMaterials Today Physics等期刊审稿人。



1. 国家自然科学基金-青年项目,2021.01-2023.12,结题

2.   国家自然科学基金-面上项目,2024.01-2027.12,在研

3. 重庆市自然科学基金-面上项目,2022.07-2025.07,在研

4. 重庆市博士后出站来渝资助项目,2023.03-2026.03,在研

5. 中央高校基金-成果培育子项,2024.04-2026.04,在研







w   高阶声子散射和声子重整化效应

1.      Z Han#, X Yang#, SE Sullivan, T Feng, L Shi, W Li*, X Ruan*, Raman Linewidth Contributions from Four-Phonon and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 (4), 045901(2022).

2.      D. Feng#, X. Yang#, Z. Han, and X. Ruan*, Near-field radiation in BAs and BSb dominated by four-phonon scattering, Phys. Rev. B 109, L081409 (2024).

3.      D. Feng, X. Yang, X. Ruan*, Phonon Scattering Engineered Unconventional Thermal Radiation at the Nanoscale, Nano Lett. 23, 10044 (2023).

4.      L. Wei, X. Jin, Z. Zhou, X. Yang*, G. Wang*, and X. Zhou, Tensile strain induced enhancement of lattice thermal conductivity and its origin in two-dimensional SnC, Phys. Rev. B 110, 045406 (2024).

5.      X Yang*, J Tiwari, T Feng*, Reduced anharmonic phonon scattering cross-section slows the decrease of thermal conductivity with temperature, Mater. Today Phys. 24, 100689(2022).

6.      X Yang, T Feng, J Li*, X Ruan*, Evidence of fifth- and higher-order phonon scattering entropy of zone-center optical phonons, Phys. Rev. B 105, 115205(2022).

7.      X Yang, T. Feng, J. S. Kang, Y. Hu, J. Li, and X. Ruan*, Observation of strong higher-order lattice anharmonicity in Raman and infrared response, Phys. Rev. B 101, 161202(R) (2020). (Selected as an Editors’ Suggestion.)

8.      X Yang, T Feng, J Li, X Ruan*, Stronger role of four-phonon scattering than three-phonon scattering in thermal conductivity of III-V semiconductors at room temperature, Phys. Rev. B 100, 245203 (2019).

9.      S Huang#, M Segovia#, X Yang#, Y R Koh, Y Wang, D Ye Peide, W Wu, A Shakouri, X Ruan*, X Xu*. Anisotropic thermal conductivity in 2D tellurium, 2D Mater. 7 (1), 015008 (2019).

10.  Y Luo, X Yang, T Feng, J Wang, X Ruan*, Vibrational hierarchy leads to dual-phonon transport in low thermal conductivity crystals, Nat. Commun., 11 (1), 1-10 (2020).

11.  T Feng, X Wu, X Yang, P Wang, L Zhang, X Du, X Wang, S T Pantelides, Thermal conductivity of HfTe5: a critical revisit, Adv. Func. Mater. 30, 1907286 (2020). (Selected as a Cover Paper)

12.   Z Han, X Yang, W Li, T, Feng, X Ruan, FourPhonon: An extension module to ShengBTE for computing four-phonon scattering rates and thermal conductivity, Computer Phys. Commun. 270, 108179(2021).

13.  S. Zheng#, X. Yang#, H. Wang, B. Zhang, X. Xiong, X. Lu, G. Han*, G. Wang*, and X. Zhou*, Formation Mechanism and High Thermoelectric Performance of Cu5+3xFe1-xS4 Icosahedral Nanoparticles with Distinctive Core-Shell Structures, Adv. Energy Mater. 12 (47), 2206974 (2022).(Cover Paper)

14.  X. Jin, X. Ding, Z. Qin, Y. Li, M. Jiao, R. Wang, X. Yang*, and X. Lv*, A Comprehensive Study on Electronic, Optical, and Thermophysical Properties of Metavanadates CaV2O6 and MgV2O6, Inorg. Chem. 61, 44, 17623–17633(2022).

15.  X. Jin, X. Ding, F. Zhan, Q. Gao, R. Wang, X. Yang*, and X. Lv*, Bonding Heterogeneity Leads to Hierarchical and Ultralow Lattice Thermal Conductivity in Sodium Metavanadate, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 48, 11160–11168 (2022).


w   电子/自旋-声子耦合作用

16.  X Yang, A Jena, F Meng, S Wen, J Ma, X Li, W Li*, Indirect electron-phonon interaction leading to significant reduction of thermal conductivity in graphene, Materials Today Physics 18, 100315 (2021).

17.  X Yang, Z Liu, F Meng, W. Li*, Tuning the phonon transport in bilayer graphene to an anomalous regime dominated by electron-phonon scattering, Phys. Rev. B 104, L100306 (2021).

18.  A Kundu, X Yang, J Ma, T Feng, J Carrete, X Ruan, G. K. H. Madsen, W Li*, Ultrahigh thermal conductivity in θ-phase tantalum nitride, Phys. Rev. Lett., 126, 115901 (2021).

19.  A Kundu, Y Chen, X Yang, F Meng, J Carrete, M Kabir, Georg K. H. Madsen, and W Li, Electron-Induced Nonmonotonic Pressure Dependence of the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of θ-TaN, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 116301 (2024).

20.  Z. Zhou, X. Yang*, H. Fu, R. Wang, X. Lu, G. Wang, and X. Zhou*, Anomalous Thermal Transport Driven by Electron–Phonon Coupling in 2D Semiconductor h-BP, Adv. Funct. Mater. 32 (45), 2206974 (2022).

21.  K. Yang, W. Xia, X. Mi, L. Zhang, Y. Gan, A. Wang, Y. Chai, X. Zhou, X. Yang*, Y. Guo*, M. He*, Charge fluctuations above TCDW revealed by glasslike thermal transport in kagome metals AV3Sb5(A=K, Rb, Cs), Phys. Rev. B 107, 184506 (2023).

22.  X. Chen, X. Liu, W. Xia, X. Mi, L. Zhong, K. Yang, L. Zhang, Y. Gan, Y. Liu, G. Wang, A. Wang, Y. Chai, J. Shen, X. Yang*, Y. Guo*, M. He*, Electrical and thermal transport properties of the kagome metals ATi3Bi5(A=Rb, Cs), Phys. Rev. B 107 (17), 174510 (2023).

23.  K. Yang, H. Wu, Z. Li, C. Ran, X. Wang, F. Zhu, X. Gong, Y. Liu, G. Wang, L. Zhang, X. Mi, A. Wang, Y. Chai, Y. Su, W. Wang, M. He*, X. Yang*, X. Zhou*, Spin-Phonon ScatteringInduced Low Thermal Conductivity in a van der Waals Layered Ferromagnet Cr2Si2Te6, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2302191 (2023).


w   拓扑声子效应对热输运的调控

24.  Xin Jin, Da-shuai Ma, Peng Yu, Xianyong Ding, Rui Wang, Xuewei Lv,* and Xiaolong Yang*, Strain-driven phonon topological phase transition impedes thermal transport in titanium monoxide, Cell Reports Physical Science 5, 101895 (2024).

25.  Y. Hu#, X. Ding#, X. Jin, R. Wang, X. Yang*, X. Zhou, Topological phonons and thermal conductivity of two-dimensional Dirac semimetal PtN4C2, Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 012202 (2024).

26.  Z. Zhou, X. Yang, H. Wang, G. Han, X. Lu, G. Wang*, R. Wang*, and X. Zhou*, Giant Phonon Anomaly in Topological Nodal-Line Semimetals, Fundamental Research, in press (2023).


w   能源材料性能预测和优化

27.  T He#, W Wang#, X Yang#, Z Wang, Z Shan, M Jin*, Y. Yin*, Inflating hollow nanocrystals through a repeated Kirkendall cavitation process, Nat. Commun. 8, 1261 (2017).

28.  W Wang#, T He#, X Yang#, Y Liu, C Wang, J Li, A Xiao, K Zhang, X Shi, M. Jin*, General Synthesis of Amorphous PdM (M = Cu, Fe, Co, Ni) Alloy Nanowires for Boosting HCOOH Dehydrogenation, Nano Letters 21, 8, 3458–3464 (2021).

29.  T He#, W Wang#, X Yang#, F Shi, Z Ye, Y Zheng, F Li, J Wu, Y Yin*, M. Jin*, Deposition of Atomically Thin Pt Shells on Amorphous Palladium Phosphide Cores for Enhancing the Electrocatalytic Durability, ACS nano 15, 4, 7348 (2021).

30.  T He, W Wang, F Shi, X Yang, X Li, J Wu, Y Yin, M Jin*, Mastering the surface strain of Pt catalysts for efficient electrocatalysis, Nature 598 (7879), 76-81 (2021).

31.  Y Zhang, J Huang, N Saito, X Yang*, Z Zhang*, L Yang*, S Hirano, Layered Perovskite Lithium Yttrium Titanate as a Low‐Potential and Ultrahigh‐Rate Anode for Lithium‐Ion Batteries, Adv. Energy Mater., 12 (31), 2200922(2022).(Cover Paper)

32.  R. Su, J. Zhang, V. Wong, D. Zhang, Y. Yang, Z. Luo, X. Wang, H. Wen, Y. Liu, J. Seidel, X. Yang*, Y. Pan*, F. Li*, Engineering Sub-Nanometer Hafnia-Based Ferroelectric to Break The Scaling Relation for High-Efficiency Piezocatalytic Water Splitting, Adv. Mater. 35, 2303018 (2023).


完整论文列表见: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiaolong-Yang-10

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2hSEWTIAAAAJ&hl=en



