
西南理论物理中心系列报告:Plaquette Singlet Transition, Magnetic Barocaloric Effect, and Spin Supersolidity in the Shastry-Sutherland Model


 目:Plaquette Singlet Transition, Magnetic Barocaloric Effect, and Spin Supersolidity in the Shastry-Sutherland Model





报告摘要:Frustrated magnetism constitutes a fertile ground breeding exotic spin states and phase transitions. In particular, the archetypal frustrated quantum magnet SrCu2(BO3)2 has recently been attracted much attentions due to both experimental and theoretical advances. In this talk I will discuss our thermal tensor network study on its model Hamiltonian, the paradigmatic Shastry-Sutherland (SS) model. Firstly, I will provide the complete finite-temperature phase diagram of the SS model in zero magnetic field, highlighting the first-order dimer-singlet to plaquette-singlet phase transition ending with a critical point, and the ordered plaquette-singlet transition ending with a critical end point. Moreover, I will introduce a novel type of quantum correlation induced cooling mechanism, dubbed magnetic barocaloric effect, found in the strongly fluctuating supercritical regime above the critical point. Finally, I will talk about the SS model in finite magnetic field, where a quantum phase transition from the plaquette-singlet phase to the spin supersolid phase that breaks simultaneously lattice translational and spin rotational symmetries is identified.

Ref: arXiv:2302.06596 (PRL in press)

报告人介绍:王俊森, 2011-2021年本硕博毕业于中科大。2022年至今是国科大和中科院理论所联合培养博后。目前的研究兴趣主要集中在运用基于MPS/MPO的张量网络态方法探索量子多体系统(量子材料/量子模拟)中的新奇物相、物性和相变。