
Quantum order of lattice spins in fractional dimension: anyonic states, spin liquid and self-similar tensor network


人:王巍博士  MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany

报告题目:Quantum order of lattice spins in fractional dimension: anyonic states, spin liquid and self-similar tensor network
报告时间:20200103日 星期五 上午10:00-11:30



AbstractI would discuss a rapidly growing area of strongly correlated quantum matter: entangled lattice spins in fractional dimension. While in 1-3D, non-triviality of entangled spins, e.g., topological order, has been well formulated in terms of the patterns of multipartite entanglement, in fractional dimension, were at the beginning of seeking non-trivial quantum states and know little about how they are formulated from entanglement. In this talk, I will confirm the existence of anyonic states in fractional dimension. And I will also introduce a framework based on the infinite-tensor-network ansatz to characterize quantum order of lattice spins in fractal. Then, I will conclude with toy models to show that quantum order on fractal is basically how self-similarity of the fractal lattice is embedded in single tensors.

报告人简介:Nov. 2017 now. Postdoc in the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany. Working with Dr. Anne E. B. Nielsen  Ph.D. in 2017 from University of Oklahoma, Norman, U.S.. Advisor: Dr. Barbara Capogrosso Sansone