Research directions.
1. Single-phase and composite multiferroic, magnetoelectric coupling behavior.
2. Superconductivity and strongly correlated systems.
3. Development of thermal transport measurements, strong magnetic field measurements and other magnetic measurement methods.
Study and work experience :
2017-Present Professor, Department of Applied Physics, School of Physics, Chongqing University
2012-2017 Associate Researcher, Department of Magnetism, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2004-2005 Visiting, Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark
1995-2007 B.S., M.S., Condensed Matter Physics, Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
Presided over and participated in the following research projects
1, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Multi-field modulation of electric dipole geometrically frustrated systems in hexagonal ferrite, 2017/1-2020/12, RMB 670,000, Chair.
2, Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on New Multiferroic Materials and Magnetoelectric Coupling Prototype Devices, 2016/1- 2020/12, 3.05 million Yuan, participant.
3, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Study on the micromechanism of giant magnetoelectric coupling effect of multiferroic hexagonal ferrite, 2014/1-2017/12, RMB 890,000, Chair.
4, CAS Institute of 100 people plan to start funding, 500,000, 2012.
Published more than 70 SCI articles, more than 800 citations, H-factor 17, full list of published articles can be found at: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-8402-2011
Representative papers
(1) Chai, YiSheng, Kwon, Sangil, Chun, SaeHwan, Kim, Ingyu, Jeon,ByungGu, Kim, KeeHoon, Lee, Soonchil, "Electrical control of large magnetization reversal in a helimagnet", Nature Communications, 5, 4208 (2014)
(2) Shen, Shi-Peng, Wu, Jia-Chuan, Song, Jun-Da, Sun, Xue-Feng, Yang, Yi-Feng, Chai, Yi-Sheng, Shang, Da-Shan, Wang, Shou-Guo, Scott, James F, Sun, Young, "Quantum electric-dipole liquid on a triangular lattice", Nature Communications, 7, 10569 (2016)
(3) K. Zhai, Y. Wu, S. Shen, W. Tian, H. Cao, Y. Chai, B. C. Chakoumakos, D. Shang, L. Yan, F. Wang, Y. Sun, Giant magnetoelectric effects achieved by tuning spin cone symmetry in Y-type hexaferrites. Nature Communications 8, 519. (2017).
(4) Wang, Xiao, Chai, Yisheng, et al., "Observation of magnetoelectric multiferroicity in a cubic perovskite system: LaMn3Cr4O12", Physical Review Letters, 115, 087601 (2015) (Co-first author)
(5) Chun, SaeHwan, Chai, YiSheng, et al., "Electric field control of nonvolatile four-state magnetization at room temperature", Physical Review Letters, 108, 177201 (2012) (Corresponding author)
(6) Chun, SaeHwan, Chai, YiSheng, et al., "Realization of giant magnetoelectricity in helimagnets", Physical Review Letters, 104, 037204 (2010)
(7) Tian, Ying, Wang, Wei, Chai, Yisheng, Cong, Junzhuang, Shen, Shipeng, Yan, Liqin, Wang, Shouguo, Han, Xiufeng, Sun, Young, "Quantum tunneling of magnetization in a metal-organic framework", Physical Review Letters, 112, 017202 (2014)
(8) L. Zhou, J. Dai, Y. Chai, et al., “Realization of Large Electric Polarization and Strong Magnetoelectric Coupling in BiMn3Cr4O12”. Adv. Mater. 29, 1703435 (2017).
(9) Shen, Jian-Xin; Shang, Da-Shan; Chai, Yi-Sheng; Wang, Shou-Guo; Shen, Bao-Gen; Sun, Young, “Mimicking Synaptic Plasticity and Neural Network Using Memtranstors”. Adv. Mater. 30, 1706717 (2018).
(10) K. Zhai, D. S. Shang, Y. S. Chai, G. Li, J. W. Cai, B. G. Shen and Y. Sun, “Room-Temperature Nonvolatile Memory Based on a Single-Phase Multiferroic Hexaferrite”. Adv. Func. Mater. 2018, 1705771 (2017).
(11) S. P. Shen, X. Z. Liu, Y. S. Chai, A. Studer, K. Rule, K. Zhai, L. Q. Yan, D. S. Shang, F. Klose, Y. T. Liu, D. F. Chen & Y. Sun. “Hidden spin-order-induced room-temperature ferroelectricity in a peculiar conical magnetic structure”. Physical Review B 95, 094405 (2017).(Corresponding author)
(12) Shi-Peng Shen, Yi-Sheng Chai, Jun-Zhuang Cong, Pei-Jie Sun, Jun Lu, Li-Qin Yan, Shou-Guo Wang, Young Sun, "Magnetic-ion-induced displacive electric polarization in FeO5 bipyramidal units of (Ba,Sr)Fe12O19 hexaferrites", Physical Review B, 90, 180404 (2014) (Corresponding author)
(13) Chai, Y. S., Oh, Y. S., Wang, L. J., Manivannan, N., Feng, S. M., Yang, Y. S., Yan, L. Q., Jin, C. Q., Kim, Kee Hoon, "Intrinsic ferroelectric polarization of orthorhombic manganites with E-type spin order", Physical Review B, 85, 4406 (2012)
(14) Y S Chai, S H Chun, S Y Haam, Y S Oh, Ingyu Kim and Kee Hoon Kim, "Low-magnetic-field control of dielectric constant at room temperature realized in Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22", New Journal of Physics, 11, 073030 (2009)
(15) S M Feng, Y S Chai, J L Zhu, N Manivannan, Y S Oh, L J Wang, Y S Yang, C Q Jin and Kee Hoon Kim, "Determination of the intrinsic ferroelectric polarization in orthorhombic HoMnO3", New Journal of Physics, 12, 073006 (2010) (Co-first author)
(16) Deepak Rajaram Patil, Yisheng Chai, Byung-Gu Jeon, R.C. Kambale, Jungho Ryu, Sang-Goo Lee, Jeongho Lee, Kee Hoon Kim, “Theoretical prediction of resonant and off-resonant magnetoelectric coupling in layered composites with anisotropic piezoelectric properties”, Composite Structures, 159, 498-504 (2017). (Co-first author)
(17) S. P. Shen, Y. S. Chai, S. G. Wang, C. S. Yang, D. S. Shang & Y. Sun. “Direct measurement of thermoelectric properties of β-MnO2 in its powder form”. Applied Physics Letters 110, 023102 (2017). (Corresponding author)
(18) Deepak Rajaram Patil, Yisheng Chai, et al., "Enhancement of resonant and non-resonant magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic laminates with anisotropic piezoelectric properties", Applied Physics Letters, 102, 062909 (2013) (Co-first author)
(19) Yisheng Chai, Hongshun Yang, Jian Liu, Chenghai Sun, Huixian Gao, Xudong Chen, Liezhao Cao, and Jean-Claude Lasjaunias, "Thermal Transport Properties of Bechgaard Salts (TMTSF)2PF6 and (TMTSF)2ClO4: Implication of Spin-Charge Separation", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 78, 063602 (2009)
(20) Chai, Y. S., Yang, H. S., Liu, J., Sun, C. H., Gao, H. X., Chen, X. D., Cao, L. Z., Lasjolunias, J. C., "Thermopower study of the quasi-one-dimensional organic conductor (TMTSF)2PF6 SDW state", Physics Letters A, 366, 513 (2007)
(21) Shang Da-Shan,Chai Yi-Sheng,Cao Ze-Xian,Lu Jun,Sun Young, "Toward the complete relational graph of fundamental circuit elements", Chinese Physics B, 24, 068402 (2015) (Co-first author)
(1) Y. Ma, J. Cong, Y. Chai, L. Yan, D. Shang, Y. Sun, “Large pyroelectric and thermal expansion coefficients in the [(CH3)2NH2]Mn (HCOO)3 metal-organic framework”. Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 042901 (2017).
(2) C. S. Yang, D. S. Shang, Y. S. Chai, L. Q. Yan, B. G. Shen & Y. Sun. “Electrochemical-reaction-induced synaptic plasticity in MoOx-based solid state electrochemical cells”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 4190-4198 (2017).
(3) Jianxin Shen, Junzhuang Cong, Dashan Shang, Yisheng Chai, Shipeng Shen, Kun Zhai and Young Sun, “A multilevel nonvolatile magnetoelectric memory”. Scientific Reports 6, 34473 (2016).
(4) P. Lu, D. Shang, J. Shen, Y. Chai, C. Yang, K. Zhai, J. Cong, S. Shen and Y. Sun. “Nonvolatile transtance change random access memory based on magnetoelectric P(VDF-TrFE)/Metglas heterostructures”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 252902 (2016).
(5) J. Shen, D. Shang, Y. Chai, Y. Wang, J. Cong, S. Shen, L. Yan, W. Wang and Y. Sun. “Nonvolatile Multilevel Memory and Boolean Logic Gates Based on a Single Ni/[Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3]0.7[PbTiO3]0.3/Ni Heterostructure”, Phys. Rev. Applied 6, 064028 (2016).
(6) J. Shen, J. Cong, Y. Chai, D. Shang, S. Shen, K. Zhai, Y. Tian, and Y. Sun. "Nonvolatile Memory Based on Nonlinear Magnetoelectric Effects", Physical Review Applied, 6, 021001 ( 2016)
(7) S. E. Rowley, Y. S. Chai, S. P. Shen, Y. Sun, A. T. Jones, B. E. Watts and J. F. Scott, "Uniaxial ferroelectric quantum criticality in multiferroic hexaferrites BaFe12O19 and SrFe12O19", Scientific Reports 6, 5 (2016)
(8) Yang, C.-S., Shang, D.-S., Chai, Y.-S., Yan, L.-Q., Shen, B.-G., Sun, Y., "Moisture effects on the electrochemical reaction and resistance switching at Ag/molybdenum oxide interfaces", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 12466 (2016)
(9) S. Shen, D. Shang, Y. Chai, Y. Sun, "Realization of a flux-driven memtranstor at room temperature", Chinese Physics B, 25, 027703 (2016)
(10) Filip Kadlec, Christelle Kadlec, Jakub Vít, Fedir Borodavka, Martin Kempa, Jan Prokleška, Josef Buršík, Róbert Uhrecký, Stéphane Rols, YiSheng Chai, Kun Zhai, Young Sun, Jan Drahokoupil, Veronica Goian, and Stanislav Kamba, "Electromagnon in the Z-type hexaferrite (BaxSr1-x)3Co2Fe24O41", Physical Review B, 94, 024419 (2016)
(11) Tian, Ying, Shen, Shipeng, Cong, Junzhuang, Yan, Liqin, Chai, Yisheng, Sun, Young, "Long-distance super-exchange and quantum magnetic relaxation in a hybrid metal-organic framework", Chinese Physics B, 25, 017601 (2016)
(12) Hou, Zhipeng, Wang, Wenhong, Xu, Guizhou, Zhang, Xiaoming, Wei, Zhiyang, Shen, Shipeng, Liu, Enke, Yao, Yuan, Chai, Yisheng, Sun, Young, Xi, Xuekui, Wang, Wenquan, Liu, Zhongyuan, Wu, Guangheng, Zhang, Xi-xiang, "High electron mobility and large magnetoresistance in the half-Heusler semimetal LuPtBi", Physical Review B, 92, 235134 (2015)
(13) Wang, Guohua, Cao, Shixun, Cao, Yiming, Hu, Shunbo, Wang, Xinyan, Feng, Zhenjie, Kang, Baojuan, Chai, Yisheng, Zhang, Jincang, Ren, Wei, "Magnetic field controllable electric polarization in Y-type hexaferrite Ba0.5Sr1.5Co2Fe12O22", Journal of Applied Physics, 118, 4929956 (2015)
(14) Cong, Jun-Zhuang, Shen, Shi-Peng, Chai, Yi-Sheng, Yan, Li-Qin, Shang, Da-Shan, Wang, Shou-Guo, Sun, Young, "Spin-driven multiferroics in BaYFeO4", Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 4919819 (2015)
(15) Shen, Shipeng, Chai, Yisheng, Sun, Young, "Nonvolatile electric-field control of magnetization in a Y-type hexaferrite", Scientific Reports, 5, 08254 (2015)
(16) Tian, Ying, Stroppa, Alessandro, Chai, Yi-Sheng, Barone, Paolo, Perez-Mato, Manuel, Picozzi, Silvia, Sun, Young, "High-temperature ferroelectricity and strong magnetoelectric effects in a hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite framework", Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters, 9, 62 (2015)
(17) Wang, J., Xie, L. S., Wang, C. S., Zhang, H. Z., Shu, L., Bai, J., Chai, Y. S., Zhao, X., Nie, J. C., Cao, C. B., Gu, C. Z., Xiong, C. M., Sun, Y., Shi, J., Salahuddin, S., Xia, K., Nan, C. W., Zhang, J. X., "Magnetic domain-wall motion twisted by nanoscale probe-induced spin transfer", Physical Review B, 90, 224407 (2014)
(18) Tian, Ying, Stroppa, Alessandro, Chai, Yisheng, Yan, Liqin, Wang, Shouguo, Barone, Paolo, Picozzi, Silvia, Sun, Young, "Cross coupling between electric and magnetic orders in a multiferroic metal-organic framework", Scientific Reports, 4, 06062 (2014)
(19) Kim, HyungJoon, Kim, TaiHoon, Lee, Woong-Jhae, Chai, Yisheng, Kim, JaeWook, Jwa, YeonJae, Chung, Sukhwan, Kim, SeonJoong, Sohn, Egon, Lee, SeungMin, Choi, Ki-Young, Kim, KeeHoon, "Determination of temperature-dependent thermal conductivity of a BaSnO3-delta single crystal by using the 3 omega method", Thermochimica Acta, 585, 16 (2014)
(20) Zhang, Tingsong, Zhang, Chenyang, Wang, Ling, Chai, Yisheng, Shen, Shipeng, Sun, Young, Yuan, Hongming, Feng, Shouhua, "Low-Temperature Phase Transition in AgNbO3", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97, 1895 (2014)
(21) Kwon, Sangil, Kang, Byeongki, Kim, Changsoo, Jo, Euna, Lee, Soonchil, Chai, YiSheng, Chun, SaeHwan, Kim, KeeHoon, "Effects of Al substitution and thermal annealing on magnetoelectric Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22 investigated by the enhancement factor of 57Fe nuclear magnetic resonance", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 26, 146004 (2014)
(22) Shen, Shipeng, Yan, Liqin, Chai, Yisheng, Cong, Junzhuang, Sun, Young, "Magnetic field reversal of electric polarization and magnetoelectric phase diagram of the hexaferrite Ba1.3Sr0.7Co0.9Zn1.1Fe10.8Al1.2O22", Applied Physics Letters, 104, 4862690 (2014)
(23) Tian, Ying, Cong, Junzhuang, Shen, Shipeng, Chai, Yisheng, Yan, Liqin, Wang, Shouguo, Sun, Young, "Electric control of magnetism in a multiferroic metal-organic framework", Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters, 8, 91 (2014)
(24) Yan, LiQin, Lee, Bumsung, Chun, SaeHwan, Kim, Ingyu, Chung, Jae-Ho, Kim, SungBaek, Park, Ju-Young, Lee, SukHo, Chai, Yisheng, Kim, KeeHoon, "Temperature- and magnetic-field-induced change of electric polarization in a multiferroic Mn0.93Co0.07W0.93O4-delta single crystal", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 82, 94708 (2013)
(25) Kwon, Sangil, Yoon, DongYoung, Lee, Soonchil, Chai, YiSheng, Chun, SaeHwan, Kim, KeeHoon, "Fe-57 NMR study of the magnetoelectric hexaferrite Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22 and Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2(Fe0.92Al0.08)12O22", Physical Review B, 88, 064404 (2013)
(26) Zhao Yue-Lei, Chai Yi-Sheng, Pan Li-Qing, Sun Young, "Abnormal magnetic behaviors induced by the antisite phase boundary in La2NiMnO6", Chinese Physics B, 22, 087601 (2013)
(27) Patil, DeepakRajaram, Kambale, RahulC., Chai, Yisheng, Yoon, Woon-Ha, Jeong, Dae-Yong, Park, Dong-Soo, Kim, Jong-Woo, Choi, Jong-Jin, Ahn, Cheol-Woo, Hahn, Byung-Dong, Zhang, Shujun, Kim, KeeHoon, Ryu, Jungho, "Multiple broadband magnetoelectric response in thickness-controlled Ni/[011] Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 single crystal/Ni laminates", Applied Physics Letters, 103, 4817383 (2013)
(28) Sun, Y., Cong, J. -Z., Chai, Y. -S., Yan, L. -Q., Zhao, Y. -L., Wang, S. -G., Ning, W., Zhang, Y. -H., "Giant exchange bias in a single-phase magnet with two magnetic sublattices", Applied Physics Letters, 102, 4804179 (2013)
(29) Kambale, RahulC., Patil, Deepak, Ryu, Jungho, Chai, YiSheng, Kim, KeeHoon, Yoon, Woon-Ha, Jeong, Dae-Yong, Park, Dong-Soo, Kim, Jong-Woo, Choi, Jong-Jin, Ahn, Cheol-Woo, "Colossal magnetoelectric response of PZT thick films on Ni substrates with a conductive LaNiO3 electrode", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46, 092002 (2013)
(30) Lee, HakBong, Chun, SaeHwan, Shin, KwangWoo, Jeon, Byung-Gu, Chai, YiSheng, Kim, KeeHoon, Schefer, Juerg, Chang, Hun, Yun, Sae-Na, Joung, Tae-Young, Chung, Jae-Ho, "Heliconical magnetic order and field-induced multiferroicity of the Co2Y-type hexaferrite Ba0.3Sr1.7Co2Fe12O22", Physical Review B, 86, 094435 (2012)
(31) Wang, L. J., Chai, Y. S., Feng, S. M., Zhu, J. L., Manivannan, N., Jin, C. Q., Gong, Z. Z., Wang, X. H., Li, L. T., "Large magneto (thermo) dielectric effect in multiferroic orthorhombic LuMnO3", Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 14103 (2012)
(32) Patil, Deepak, Kim, June-Hee, Chai, YiSheng, Nam, Joong-Hee, Cho, Jeong-Ho, Kim, Byung-Ik, Kim, KeeHoon, "Large longitudinal magnetoelectric coupling in NiFe2O4-BaTiO3 laminates", Applied Physics Express, 4, 073001 (2011)
(33) Lee, HakBong, Song, Young-Sang, Chung, Jae-Ho, Chun, SaeHwan, Chai, YiSheng, Kim, KeeHoon, Reehuis, M., Prokes, K., Mat'as, S., "Field-induced incommensurate-to-commensurate phase transition in the magnetoelectric hexaferrite Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2(Fe1-xAlx)12O22", Physical Review B, 83, 144425 (2011)
(34) Liu, Yong, Chai, YiSheng, Kim, Hyeong-Jin, Stewart, G. R., Kim, KeeHoon, Ren, Zhi-An, Zhao, Zhong-Xian, "Current-voltage Characteristics of NdFeAsO0.85F0.15 and NdFeASO0.85 Superconductors", Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 55, L383 (2009)
(35) Sun, C. H., Yang, H. S., Chai, Y. S., Liu, J., Gao, H. X., Cheng, L., Wang, J. B., Cao, L. Z., "The transport properties in Nd0.75Sr1.25CoO4 film: Evidence for polaronic transport", Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 70, 286 (2009)
(36) Dadras, S., Liu, Y., Chai, Y. S., Daadmehr, V., Kim, K. H., "Increase of critical current density with doping carbon nano-tubes in YBa2Cu3O7-delta", Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications, 469, 55 (2009)
(37) Liu, Jian, Yang, HongShun, Chai, YiSheng, Sun, ChengHai, Gao, HuiXian, Cheng, Lu, Wang, JianBin, Cao, LieZhao, "Transport properties in Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4 single crystals under different annealing conditions", Superconductor Science and Technology, 22, 015013 (2009)
(38) Ye, Jing, Chen, Qianwang, Xiong, Ying, Chai, Yisheng, Chen, Peiran, "One-step electroless synthesis and properties of copper film deposited on silicon substrate", Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science, 205, 1580 (2008)
(39) Gao, H. X., Yang, H. S., Chai, Y. S., Liu, J., Sun, C. H., Cheng, L., Wang, J. B., Cao, L. Z., "Study on thermopower and resistivity of Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4+delta single crystals: Evidence for two-band model", Physics Letters A, 369, 493 (2007)
(40) Liu, Jian, Yang, HongShun, Gao, HuiXian, Li, Di, Sun, ChengHai, Chai, YiSheng, Chen, XuDong, Qin, XiaoYing, Cao, LieZhao, "Study on the thermopower of Bi intercalated TiS2: Evidence of thin, lens-shaped Fermi pockets", Physics Letters A, 360, 344 (2006)
(41) Chai, YS, Yang, HS, Liu, J, Ji, M, Bai, YB, Cao, LZ, Lasjaunias, JC, "Study on the high-resolution thermoelectric power of metallic state quasi-one-dimensional organic superconductor of (TMTSF)2ClO4 salt", Acta Physica Sinica, 53, 2310 (2004)
(42) Yang, HS, Chai, YS, Liu, J, Yu, M, Li, PC, Zhang, L, Li, MD, Cao, LZ, "Anomalous thermopower of the electron-doped superconductor, Sm2-xCexCuO4", Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications, 403, 203 (2004)
(43) Yang, HS, Li, PC, Chai, YS, Yu, M, Li, ZQ, Li, MD, Cao, LZ, Wen, HH, Long, YZ, Chen, ZJ, "Study on the thermopower and magnetic properties of Zn doped La2CuO4", Acta Physica Sinica, 51, 2155 (2002)
(44) Yu, M, Yang, HS, Chai, YS, Li, PC, Li, MD, Cao, LZ, "Pseudogap in electron-doped superconductor Sm1.85Ce0.15CuO4 crystal", Acta Physica Sinica, 51, 1832 (2002)
(45) Yu, M, Yang, HS, Ruan, KQ, Li, PC, Li, HL, Chai, YS, Cao, LZ, "Study of resistivity and thermopower of La2-xSrxCuO4 thin films", Acta Physica Sinica, 51, 663 (2002)
(46) Yu, M, Yang, HS, Chai, YS, Ruan, KQ, Li, PC, Li, ZQ, Chen, ZJ, Cao, LZ, "Anomalous thermopower and resistivity of the electron-doped superconductor Sm2-xCexCuO4 (0.00 <= x <= 0.21)", Acta Physica Sinica, 51, 674 (2002)
(47) Yang, HS, Li, PC, Chai, YS, Yu, M, Li, ZQ, Yang, DS, Zhang, L, Wang, YH, Li, MD, Cao, LZ, Long, YZ, Chen, ZJ, "A study of thermal conductivity and resistivity properties of Zn-doped La2CuO4", Acta Physica Sinica, 51, 679 (2002)
(48) Yang, HS, Yu, M, Li, SY, Li, PC, Chai, YS, Zhang, L, Chen, XH, Cao, LZ, "Study on the thermopower and resistivity of a new superconductor MgB2", Acta Physica Sinica, 50, 1197 (2001)
(49) Yang, HS, Wang, YX, Li, PC, Chai, YS, Hou, BH, Cao, LZ, "Low temperature magnetic properties of CuGe1-xGaxO3", Acta Physica Sinica, 50, 126 (2001)
Authorized Invention Patent
Kim Ki-hoon, Chai Yisheng, Chien Shihwan, Multiferroic material and its manufacturing method, 2011.3.30-2029.10.1, International Patent, CN200980112948.3
Xu Xiangyi; Yang Hongshun; Chai Yisheng; Sun Chenghai; Gao Qiuying; Liu Chengyu, A thermopotential measurement system, 2010/8/18, Anhui, China, CN200920269902.X.
Interested students are warmly welcomed to apply for M.S., Ph.D., and postdoctoral studies, and undergraduate students interested in doing experiments are also welcome to join, contact: yschai@cqu.edu.cn