题 目: Limiting the Number of Extra Dimensions with Shortcuts
报告人: 林子超(博士后)
邀请人: 李瑾
时 间: 2024年4月1号(星期一)上午9:30
地 点: LE201
Abstract: High dimensional space-time dimension and extra dimensional scale structure are the basic problems in high dimensional theory. With the discovery of GW170817 and its electromagnetic counterpart GRB 170817A, gravitational wave detection has gradually become one of the important means to test the existence of extra dimensions. Recently, the Princeton team, LIGO, and Virgo team have investigated the dimensionality of extra dimensions based on the graviton escape effect in higher-dimensional spacetime. In order to carry out complementarity research, we will introduce the principle of shortcut effect in high dimensional spacetime and propose a new scheme to limit spacetime dimension based on shortcut effect. In addition, we will discuss solutions for circumventing small-scale extra-dimensional structures, and illustrate their importance for future studies of higher-dimensional space-time gravitational wave signals.
个人简介: 林子超,博士,现为华中科技大学物理院博士后。2016年和2022年分别在兰州大学物理科学与技术学院获得学士和博士学位,于2022年加入华中科技大学物理院。曾先后主持并完成兰州大学“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金”资助项目、甘肃省优秀研究生“创新之星”项目、国家自然科学基金理论物理专款研究项目。研究方向为高维引力理论、修改引力理论、引力波物理和黑洞物理,包括膜世界模型构建、物质场局域化、引力势修正、捷径效应、黑洞阴影等。