
Solid physics via a gravitational lens


题 目:

Solid physics via a gravitational lens


李伟佳 副教授 大连理工大学

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报告摘要: The holographic axion models are a class of bottom-up models characterized by the presence of a set of shift symmetric scalar bulk fields whose profiles are taken to be linear in the spatial coordinates. They can implement the breaking of translational invariance of the dual field theory by retaining the homogeneity of the background geometry and allowing for controllable and fast computations. Therefore, they have very broad applications in the gauge/gravity duality.In this talk, I will present some new progress on these holographic models for modeling the elastic properties and collective excitations of solid systems at finite temperatures. Especially, I will show how these models can provide insights into the mechanical failure of solids under shear strains. In addition, I will also discuss the physical nature of the collective modes and propose an extension of these models by including additional sets of axions which can describe multilayer systems.

报告人介绍:李伟佳,大连理工大学物理学院副教授、博士生导师。2014年北京师范大学理论物理专业博士。2012-2014年公派美国麻省理工学院和哈佛大学联合培养。2014-2016年希腊克里特大学博士后。2016年起在大连理工大学物理学院任教。研究涉及广义相对论、量子场论、规范/引力对偶以及黑洞物理等交叉领域。近期的主要兴趣点是通过规范/引力对偶、量子场论以及流体力学等跨领域理论工具探索强关联凝聚态、低能QCD等新奇量子多体系统的普适物理性质和行为。完成论文20余篇,inspire引用800余次。现为JHEP, PLB和EPJC等期刊审稿人。近些年主持国自然面上和青年项目各一项。2022年、2023年入选中科院“彭桓武中心青年访问科学家计划”。