报告人及单位:程蒙 助理教授(美国耶鲁大学Yale University)
报告题目:Symmetry meets topological order
邀请人:张学锋 研究员
内容简介:Quantum matter in two spatial dimensions can exhibit topological order, which supports quasiparticles excitations with anyonic statistics and fractional symmetry quantum numbers. The latter is a manifestation of symmetry-enriched topological order. In this talk I will examine the interplay between global symmetry and topologically ordered phases. I will discuss the general theory of how symmetry acts on emergent topological degrees of freedom, classify different ways that quasiparticles may carry fractionalized quantum numbers, and compute topological properties of extrinsic symmetry defects. I will then describe two applications of the theory: 1) parafermion zero modes in fractional quantum Hall states, and 2) experimental signatures of quantum spin liquids in frustrated magnets.
报告人简介:本科毕业于南京大学物理系,2013年于University of Maryland获得博士学位,然后在微软公司Station Q博士后研究,2017年7月开始在Yale University任职助理教授