
Beyond lithium-ion batteries: electroactive materials for divalent ion rechargeable batteries


报告题目:Beyond lithium-ion batteries: electroactive materials for divalent ion rechargeable batteries    



    理科楼 LA104



In this presentation, after an overview of second ion batteries, I will present our most recent research on the synthesis of various promising cathode materials for divalent ions including both magnesium and zinc, with controlled or tuned interlayer distance, bulk defects and surface chemistry to attain desired storage capacity and transport properties. The cathode materials investigated include vanadium oxides, vanadates, manganese oxides, and Figure 1 shows the zinc-ion charge-discharge curves and rate performance of vanadate cathode. In addition, we will discuss the introduction of surface passivation layer on magnesium anode by the formation of an ionic conductive but electronic insulating.


Dr. Guozhong Cao is Boeing-Steiner professor of Materials Science and Engineering, professor of Chemical Engineering and adjunct professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA.  He has published over 740 technical papers including over 580 SCI papers, and authored and edited 8 books, 4 conference proceedings and contributed 29 book chapters. He is one of the Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers with a total citation of over 35,000 and an h-index of 93.