Mingyu Pi, Weimeng Guo, Tianli Wu, Xiaodeng Wang, Dingke Zhang, Shuxia Wang and Shijian Chen*
Constructing WP2 Nanosheets Electrode for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution through 3D Nano-
porous Architecture. (submitted)
Jing Wang, Dingke Zhang*, Shijian Chen*
Fabrication of Phosphorus Nanostructures/TiO2 Composite Photocatalyst with Efficient Charge
Separation Boosting Hydrogen Production from Water under Visible Light.(submitted)
Mingyu Pi, Weimeng Guo, Tianli Wu, Xiaodeng Wang, Dingke Zhang, Shuxia Wang and Shijian Chen*
Pulsed laser deposition-assisted synthesis of porous WP2 nanosheet arrays integrated on graphite
paper as a 3D flexible cathode for efficient hydrogen evolution.(submitted)
Tianli Wu, Mingyu Pi, Xiaodeng Wang, Weimeng Guo, Dingke Zhang and Shijian Chen*
Developing bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting using three-dimensional porous
CoP3 nanospheres integrated on carbon cloth.(submitted)
Phase-controlled synthesis of polymorphic tungsten diphosphide with hybridization of monoclinic
and orthorhombic phases as a novel electrocatalyst for efficient hydrogenevolution.
/J. Power Sources, 2017,349 (2017) 138e143
HongpengZhou, ShixinXu,DingkeZhang,ShijianChen* and JunkaiDeng
One Step in situ Synthesis of Core shell Structured Cr2O3:P@Fibrous-Phosphorus Hybrid
Composites with Highly Efficient Full-spectrum-response Photocatalytic Activities.
/Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 3196 - 3205
TianliWu, MingyuPi, XiaodengWang, WeimengGuo, DingkeZhang, ShijianChen*
Self-supported three-dimensional porous CoP3 nanospheres on carbon cloth as anefficient
bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting.(submitted )
/J. Mater. Chem. A
LiLong, DaisiHe, WeiyingBao, MengleiFeng, PengZhang, DingkeZhang and Shijian Chen*
Localized surface plasmon resonance improved lasing performance of Ag nanoparticles/organic
dye random laser./J. Alloys Comp., 2017, 693, 876-881
MingyuPi, TianliWu, DingkeZhang, ShijianChen* and ShuxiaWang*
Self-supported three-dimensional mesoporous semimetallic WP2 nanowire arrays on carbon
cloth as a flexible cathode for efficient hydrogen evolution./Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 19779;
Tianli Wu, Mingyu Pi, Dingke Zhang, Shijian Chen*
Three-dimensional porous structural MoP2 nanoparticles as a novel and superior catalyst for
electrochemical hydrogen evolution./J. Power Sources, 2016, 328, 551-557
Tianli Wu, Mingyu Pi, Dingke Zhang, Shijian Chen*
3D structured porous CoP3 nanoneedle arrays as an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for
the evolution reaction of hydrogen and oxygen./J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 14539-14544
Lijuan Ye, Dan Wang, and Shijian Chen*
Fabrication and Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Performance of MoS2/S-Doped g-C3N4
Heterojunction Film./ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8 (8), 5280–5289
Mingyu Pi, Tianli Wu, Dingke Zhang, Shijian Chen* and Shuxia Wang
Phase-controlled synthesis and comparative study of α- and β-WP2 submicron particles as
efficientelectrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution./Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 216, 304-311
Tianli Wu, Mingyu Pi, Xiaodeng Wang, Dingke Zhang, Shijian Chen*
Three dimensional metal-organic framework derived porous CoP3 concave polyhedrons as
superiorbifunctional electrocatalysts for the evolution of hydrogen and oxygen.
/ Phys. Chem. Chem.Phys.2017, 19, 2104 - 2110
Yujing Zhang, Dingke Zhang, Weimeng Guo, Shijian Chen*
The α-Fe2O3/g-C3N4 heterostructural nanocomposites with enhanced ethanol gas sensing
performance. / J. Alloys Comp., 2016, 685, 84-90
Lijuan Ye, Shijian Chen*
Fabrication and high visible-light-driven photocurrent response of g-C3N4 film: The role of
thiourea. /Appl. Surf.e Sci. 2016, 389, 1076-1083
Mingyu Pi, Tianli Wu, Dingke Zhang, Shijian Chen* and Shuxia Wang
Facile preparation of semimetallic WP2 as a novel photocatalyst with high photoactivity.
/RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 15724
Tianli Wu, Xiaoxia Li, Dingke Zhang, Fan Dong, Shijian Chen*
Efficient visible light photocatalytic oxidation of NO with hierarchical nanostructured 3D
flower-like BiOClxBr1−x solid solutions./J. Alloys Comp., 2016, 671, 318-327
Tianli Wu, Lin Liu, Mingyu Pi, Dingke Zhang, Shijian Chen*
Enhanced magnetic and photocatalytic properties of Bi 2 Fe 4 O 9 semiconductor with large
exposed(001) surface./Appl. Surf.e Sci. 2016, 377, 253-261
Dingke Zhang, Zhoujun Duan, Yu Wang, Peng Zhang and Shijian Chen*
Amplified spontaneous emission from DCJTB encapsulated in mesostructured composite silica
SBA-15/Applied Optics, 2016, 55, 4736-4739
Tianli Wu, Shijian Chen*, Dingke Zhang and Junke Hou
Facile preparation of semimetallic MoP2 as a novel visible light driven photocatalyst with high
photocatalytic activity./J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 10360
Lina Kong, Zhiqiang Jiang, Changhua Wang, Fangxu Wan, Yingying Li, Liangzhuan Wu,
Jin-Fang Zhi,Xintong Zhang*, Shijian Chen*, and Yichun Liu
Simple Ethanol Impregnation Treatment Can Enhance Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Nanoparticles
under Visible-Light Irradiation./ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7 (14), 7752–7758
Lijuan Ye, Shijian Chen,* Wanjun Li, Mingyu Pi, Tianli Wu, and Dingke Zhang
Tuning the Electrical Transport Properties of Multilayered Molybdenum Disulfide Nanosheets by
Intercalating Phosphorus./J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119, 9560−9567
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